GeoVision GV-Hub
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The GV-Hub adds 4 RS-232 and 4 RS-485 serial ports to your PC's USB port. The USB solutions for serial port extension is perfect for mobile instrumentation and POS applications.
Serial Interface RS-232 Signal: DCD, R x D, T x D, DTR, GND, DSR, RTS, CTS
Connector: 4 x DB9 Male (A, B, C, D)
RS-485 Signal: D+, D-, GND
Connector: 4 x Terminal Block (A, B, C, D)
Serial Line Protection 16 KV ESD for All Signals
USB Compliance USB 1.1, 1.0
USB 2.0 Backward Compatible
Speed Full Speed 12 Mbps
Communication Parity None, Even, Odd
Data Bit 7, 8
Stop Bit 1, 2
Flow Control RTS / CTS, XON / XOFF
Speed 600 bps to 115,200 bps
Operation temperature 0~55 degree C
Humidity 5%~95% (non-condensing)
Dimensions 103 (W) x 30 (H) x 125 (D) mm